13th May 2024 | Personal Training
Perfect health and fitness for the rest of your life Having perfect health and fitness for your whole life is achievable and you can do it. The main thing is being consistent with all the aspects of what make your health and fitness perfect. We find keeping ourselves...
31st January 2024 | Personal Training
Fitness in 2024 There are so many fitness experts and videos out there today that will tell you a whole load of ways to get into fitness in 2024. They will tell you to do this diet and train this way to get the results that you want. The truth of the matter is that...
6th July 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
Leg strengthening exercises For you to be light and quick on your feet your have to be strong enough to carry your body with ease. Therefore, strengthening your legs with squats, deadlifts and single limb movements will make running faster easier. There’s no...
30th April 2020 | Personal Training
If you are struggling to keep active at the moment because you are used to going to the gym and get a kick from the atmosphere. We know how you feel, personal trainers and coaches in ascot get the same feeling. This is why we are offering our current and new clients...
29th April 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
There are so many ways you can workout and train from home. I do half my training plan from home usually but that’s because I’m seeking a particular stimulus on these days. I train to gain more power and explosiveness for when I play basketball. Therefore,...