24th February 2022 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
When the weather starts to turn and leaves start to fall. We as humans have this sudden urge to stay inside, cook comfort food and watch Netflix in the evenings. However, now the evening start a lot earlier meaning you stay inside a lot more than in the summer. To...
8th March 2021 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
At this time of year you tend to see a lot of people out running. Because after the festive season many of you gain weight from over consumption of food from Christmas/ Hanukkah. The main thought that come to mind for most id that you should start to run to lose the...
9th February 2021 | Nutrition, Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
If you want to exercise there are a number of fundamentals of starting exercise you have to keep in mind. If you get all of these correct you will find yourself getting the results you want. You must trust the process that you have entered into. It isn’t a short...
21st January 2021 | Nutrition, Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
To me true health has a number of different factors. It’s not all to do about how much you weight on the scales or how little body fat you have. These are a few of my true health factors: A healthy diet with fruit veg, meat, fat and carbs. Exercise to stimulate your...
16th September 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
During this last week I was speaking to a client of mine and he mentioned how his young 8 year old sons football team are already making them do drills. Having played at a high level himself he mentions that they should still be having fun and doing whatever they want...
6th July 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
Leg strengthening exercises For you to be light and quick on your feet your have to be strong enough to carry your body with ease. Therefore, strengthening your legs with squats, deadlifts and single limb movements will make running faster easier. There’s no...