27th November 2019 | Nutrition, Personal Training
I Know that Christmas is just around the corner and with every festive season come the party’s. You want to have a good time with your friend and family at this time of year. However, you don’t want to do it at the expense of your health and fitness that...
20th November 2019 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
Practice hanging on the bar with both grips The first thing you need to improve upon is your grip strength to be able to hold your body weight. Working on your pull up is a lengthy process and will take time to develop. So at the beginning of your pull up workout...
4th November 2019 | Personal Training
How to Increase strength with 2 workouts a week If you are looking to increase strength but you only have a minimal amount of time to do so. Don’t use that as an excuse not to do anything. Because you can definitely achieve an increase of strength with two...