30th April 2020 | Personal Training
If you are struggling to keep active at the moment because you are used to going to the gym and get a kick from the atmosphere. We know how you feel, personal trainers and coaches in ascot get the same feeling. This is why we are offering our current and new clients...
29th April 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
There are so many ways you can workout and train from home. I do half my training plan from home usually but that’s because I’m seeking a particular stimulus on these days. I train to gain more power and explosiveness for when I play basketball. Therefore,...
27th April 2020 | Personal Training, Strength & Conditioning
The first thing you need to think about when building and designing your own strength training programme for lockdown is to decide what your goals are. There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself What is your main goal? Are you a beginner? Do you have any...
22nd January 2020 | Personal Training
Why choose a mobile personal trainer in 2020? Knowledge is key when exercising Having the right mobile personal trainer is key especially if you are inviting them into your home. The first thing you need to do is get on with them to make sure they are the right fit. I...
10th December 2019 | Nutrition, Personal Training
7 Morning Practices to Maximise Productivity and Win Your Day All humans are creatures of habit finding comfort in routine and although change is important, spending time here results in improved focus, will power and drive. Relying on routine habits as a pose to...