Simple Salmon with quinoa and courgette
There are many meals that you can cook that are easy to cook like this simple salmon dish. You just need to know how to cook them in an easy way. For example as a busy Windsor based mobile personal trainer, I use the oven to help to cook my protein and carbohydrates. This makes sure you have time to do a couple other important tasks. Creating more leverage to maximise your time. Time is a precious thing and it should be used wisely because once it’s gone it’s not ever coming back. That’s why it is important to cook healthy meals so that you can be healthy to live your life without stressing about your health.
Now this simple salmon meal will take you hardly any time to prepare and will be nutritious and satisfying. Read below for the ingredients and the recipe.
What to buy for the simple salmon dish
- 1 fillet of salmon each
- 60g of Quinoa each
- 1/2 courgette each
- 1 vegetable stock cube
- 1 tsp of coconut oil
How to put it together
- Rinse the quinoa with some cold water to take away some of the bitterness. Start to boil 100ml of water for every 40g of quinoa. Once it’s boiling add the stock cube to give it some flavour. Add the quinoa to the pan and boil for 15 minutes until most of the water has been absorbed.
- Place the salmon on a non stick oven tray and place in the oven. It will cook in its own oils so you don’t have to add any extra to it. All you have to do is season with some salt and pepper and maybe some lemon. Cook until you can see no raw areas in the middle of the fish.
- Cut up the courgette into 2 cm thick slices, place a tsp of oil in the pan and fry them on a low heat after the fish is nearly done. This means they wont burn or loose nutrients.
- Place all on a plate and enjoy.
Last note:
This Monday meal is also great cold so if you make some extra you can have it for lunch the next day. On a side note I like to make sure that the oven is being used to cook other food at the same time. Food that can last for a couple of days in the fridge without going bad. So for example, I would place a couple of sweet potatoes to have cold for another lunch or snack during the day. Minimising the amount of time I spend cooking at other times.